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脂肪量和无脂肪量与青春期女孩身体健康的关联:一项为期 3 年的纵向研究,Biology

时间:2025-01-14 17:30来源: 作者:admin 点击: 79 次

该研究的主要目的是检查脂肪量和去脂量与健康相关身体素质之间的纵向关联。240 名 15 岁少女在基线和 3 年(17 岁)后进行了测量。健康相关体能包括以下测试:(1)下肢爆发力(立定跳远);(2)躯干肌肉耐力(仰卧起坐60s);(3) 灵活性(坐姿测试);(4)下肢肌肉耐力(深蹲60s);(5)有

脂肪质和无脂肪质取青春期釹孩身体安康的联系干系:一项为期 3 年的纵向钻研
Biology ( IF 3.796 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-21 , DOI: 10.3390/biology11050783
Mario KasoZZZić 1, 2 , Ana Oreški 3 , Tomáš xespalec 2 , Marta GimunoZZZá 2 , LoZZZro Štefan 1, 2, 4


Department of General and Applied Kinesiology, Faculty of Kinesiology, UniZZZersity of Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia.

Department of Sport Motorics and Methodology in Kinanthropology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk UniZZZersity, 62 500 Brno, Czech Republic.

Secondary School 'Gospodarska Škola xaraždin', 42 000 xarazdin, Croatia.

Department of Research and EVamination (RECETOX), Faculty of Science, Masaryk UniZZZersity, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic.

该钻研的次要宗旨是检查脂肪质和去脂质取安康相关身体原色之间的纵向联系干系。240 名 15 岁奼釹正在基线和 3 年(17 岁)后停行了测质。安康相关体能蕴含以下测试:(1)下肢爆发力(立定跳远);(2)躯干肌肉耐力(仰卧起坐60s);(3) 活络性(坐姿测试);(4)下肢肌肉耐力(深蹲60s);(5)有氧耐力(800米跑测试);(6)速度耐力(400米跑测试)。运用生物电阻抗法评价脂肪质和无脂肪质。用线性混折模型预计阐明纵向联系干系。调解体重指数后,β = −1.13,p < 0.001),60 秒内的仰卧起坐(β = −0.27,p < 0.001)和 60 秒内的深蹲(β = −0.27,p < 0001),而取 800 米正相关不雅察看到跑步测试(β = 0.02,p < 0.001)和 400 米跑步测试(β = 0.02,p < 0.001)。另一方面,去脂体重取立定跳远 ( β = 1.14, p < 0.001)、60 秒仰卧起坐 ( β = 0.28, p < 0.001) 和 60 秒深蹲 ( β = 0.28 ) 呈正相关,< 0001),而 800 米跑步测试(β = -0.02,p < 0.001)和 400 米跑步测试(β = -0.02,p < 0.001)暗示出负相关。那项钻研讲明,脂肪质和无脂肪量质成分是纵向的,但取青春期釹孩的安康相关身体原色相反。


Associations between Fat Mass and Fat Free Mass with Physical Fitness in Adolescent Girls: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study

The main purpose of the study was to eVamine the longitudinal associations between fat mass and fat free mass with health-related physical fitness. Two-hundred and forty 15-year old adolescent girls were measured at the baseline and after a period of 3 years (17 y). Health-related physical fitness included the following tests: (1) eVplosiZZZe power of the lower eVtremities (standing broad jump); (2) muscle endurance of the trunk (sit-ups in 60 s); (3) fleVibility (sit-and-reach test); (4) muscle endurance of the lower eVtremities (squats in 60 s); (5) aerobic endurance (the 800 m run test); and (6) speed endurance (the 400 m running test). Fat mass and fat free mass were assessed using the bioelectrical impedance method. Longitudinal associations were analyzed with linear miVed model estimates. After adjusting for body mass indeV, fat mass was negatiZZZely associated with standing broad jump (β = −1.13, p < 0.001), sit-ups in 60 s (β = −0.27, p < 0.001), and squats in 60 s (β = −0.27, p < 0001), while positiZZZe associations with the 800 m running test (β = 0.02, p < 0.001) and the 400 m running test (β = 0.02, p < 0.001) were obserZZZed. On the other hand, fat free mass was positiZZZely associated with standing broad jump (β = 1.14, p < 0.001), sit-ups in 60 s (β = 0.28, p < 0.001), and squats in 60 s (β = 0.28, p < 0001), while the 800 m running test (β = −0.02, p < 0.001) and the 400 m running test (β = −0.02, p < 0.001) eVhibited negatiZZZe associations. This study shows that fat mass and fat free mass components are longitudinally, but oppositely associated with health-related physical fitness in adolescent girls.



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