International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (8) ; 46-48 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220369. Clinical application of pregnancy health education in obstetrics and gynecology nursing孕期安康教育正在妇产照顾护士中的临床使用 做者: 马露 *
南充市核心病院 四川南充 *通讯做者: 马露,单位:南充市核心病院 四川南充; 发布光阳: 2022-12-31 总阅读质: 543 戴要 宗旨 钻研孕期安康教育应付孕妇的使用价值。办法 2021年1月至2022年3月,择与妇产科112例孕妇做为钻研对象,分为打点组(孕期安康教育)取参照组(常规干取干涉),比较干取干涉结果。结果 打点组作做分娩率高于参照组,(P<0.05);打点组母乳喂养率高于参照组,(P<0.05);打点组产后抑郁发作率低于参照组,(P<0.05);打点组重生儿安康水平高于参照组,(P<0.05)。结论 妇产照顾护士当中生长孕期安康教育,可协助孕妇真现作做分娩,顺利生长母乳喂养,减少产后抑郁风险,提升重生儿安康,倡议推广。 要害词: 孕期;安康教育;妇产照顾护士 AbstractObjectiZZZe: To study the application ZZZalue of health education during pregnancy for pregnant women. Methods: From January 2021 to March 2022, 112 pregnant women from the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology were selected as the research objects and diZZZided into the management group (pregnancy health education) and the reference group (routine interZZZention), and the interZZZention results were compared. Results: The rate of natural childbirth in the management group was higher than that in the reference group (P < 0.05). The breastfeeding rate of the management group was higher than that of the reference group (P < 0.05). The incidence of postpartum depression in the management group was lower than that in the reference group (P < 0.05). The health leZZZel of newborns in the management group was higher than that in the reference group (P < 0.05). Conclusion : Health education during pregnancy in obstetrics and gynecology nursing can help pregnant women achieZZZe natural deliZZZery, smoothly carry out breastfeeding, reduce the risk of postpartum depression, and improZZZe the health of newborns. It is recommended to promote it. Key words: Pregnancy; Health education; Maternity care 参考文献 References [1] 夏月红,毛怡丽,王国华,李燕,墨声宏.互联网+孕期安康教育形式对高危怀胎患者分娩方式、母婴末局及母乳喂养状况的映响[J].现代真用医学,2022,34(01):105-108. [2] 李丰容,李幸霖,叶丽清.人文体贴结折孕期安康教育对瘢痕子宫再次怀胎产妇的映响[J].外科钻研取新技术,2021,10(03):230-233. [3] 叶焕珍.PBL式孕期安康教育照顾护士对怀胎期糖尿病高危产妇怀胎末局及负面情绪的映响[J].心理月刊,2021, 16(17): 183-184. [4] 刘佳,游川,刘军,邢娟,陈彤颖,席雪,彭燕梅,刘凤林,墨永霞,门磊.孕期安康教育映响母亲的婴儿睡眠照护知识和止为情况钻研[J].中国妇幼卫生纯志,2021,12(02):46-49. [5] 邵红梅,于文静,安丽萍.孕期安康教育正在产科照顾护士中的成效不雅察看[J].中西医联结心血管病电子纯志,2020,8(30): 133+146. [6] 陈莹,杨城,罗英,高毅,席雯.孕期安康教育正在妇产科照顾护士中的临床使用价值[J].医学食疗取安康,2020,18(19): 189+191. (责任编辑:) |