要】 社会转型期,乡村社会现代化步骤日益加速,传统的以儒家伦理为焦点 的乡村人际干系日益发作变迁,涌现罪利化、淡漠化和外表化。乡村正直体制的变 迁、市场经济体制的推止以及农民和地皮干系的改动则是招致变迁的起因。乡村经 济的展开,根原设备的完善,文体娱乐流动的生长以及德性法令的调控是化解负向 变迁、构建新型乡村人际干系的门路。 %In the period of social transition, the deZZZelopment of rural social modernization is faster and fas- ter. The traditional interpersonal relationship which is taken Confucius thoughts as a core changes a lot, the trends of which present utility, indifference and superficial features. The transition of rural political system, the implementation of system of market economy and the relationship changes between peasants and land are the reasons which caused transitions. The deZZZelopment of rural economy, the perfection of infrastructure, the waging of entertainment and the regulation of morality and law are the way to solZZZe the negatiZZZe changes and construct to new - type rural interpersonal relationship.
【期刊称呼】 《黑河学院学报》
【年 ( 卷 ), 期】 2012(003)003
【总页数】 4 页 (P28-31)
【要害词】 社会转型 ; 中国乡村 ; 人际干系 ; 负向变迁 (责任编辑:) |