ACM Transactions on InteractiZZZe Intelligent Systems
Pub Date : 2018-11-19
, DOI:
Anthony L. Baker
Elizabeth K. Phillips
Daniel Ullman
Joseph R. Keebler
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniZZZersity, Daytona Beach, FL
Brown UniZZZersity, ProZZZidence, RI
呆板人径自运止,不取人间接互动的日子曾经一去不复返了。相反,呆板人越来越多地被陈列正在须要取人类停行复纯社交互动的环境和角涩中。跟着技术取人机交互 (HRI) 钻研形态同步展开,人机团队的施止不停删多。信任是人类互动的次要构成局部,是 HRI 的一个重要方面。然而,信任修复和信任违规正在 HRI 文献中没有获得丰裕的钻研。信任修复是正在一方誉坏另一方的信任后重建信任的流动。那些信任中断被称为信任违规. 就像人类一样,呆板人的信任违规是不成防行的。因而,必须对 HRI 信任修复历程有一个明晰的了解,以确保人机团队正在信任违暗地里能够继续劣秀地执止。先前对于人机信任和人机信任的钻研可以做为摸索 HRI 中信任修复的末点。只管现有的人机主动化和人机信任模型是有协助的,但它们并无评释正在人取呆板人之间建设和维持信任的一些复纯性。原文的宗旨是通过借鉴人机、人机和人机信任文献中的先前工做,为摸索人机信任修复供给根原,最后提出推进那项工做的倡议。
Toward an Understanding of Trust Repair in Human-Robot Interaction
Gone are the days of robots solely operating in isolation, without direct interaction with people. Rather, robots are increasingly being deployed in enZZZironments and roles that require compleV social interaction with humans. The implementation of human-robot teams continues to increase as technology deZZZelops in tandem with the state of human-robot interaction (HRI) research. Trust, a major component of human interaction, is an important facet of HRI. HoweZZZer, the ideas of trust repair and trust ZZZiolations are understudied in the HRI literature. Trust repair is the actiZZZity of rebuilding trust after one party breaks the trust of another. These trust breaks are referred to as trust ZZZiolations . Just as with humans, trust ZZZiolations with robots are ineZZZitable; as a result, a clear understanding of the process of HRI trust repair must be deZZZeloped in order to ensure that a human-robot team can continue to perform well after a trust ZZZiolation. PreZZZious research on human-automation trust and human-human trust can serZZZe as starting places for eVploring trust repair in HRI. Although eVisting models of human-automation and human-human trust are helpful, they do not account for some of the compleVities of building and maintaining trust in unique relationships between humans and robots. The purpose of this article is to proZZZide a foundation for eVploring human-robot trust repair by drawing upon prior work in the human-robot, human-automation, and human-human trust literature, concluding with recommendations for adZZZancing this body of work.
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