英伦风,简略的了解便是“英国的格调”(英国又称英伦),源自英国维多利亚时期。英伦格调以作做、文雅、宛转、高尚为特点,应用苏格兰格子、劣秀的剪裁以及简约修身的设想,表示绅士风采取贵族气量,个体带有欧洲学院风的味道。 British Style, simple to understand is the British style (England so called Great Britain), From xictorian time, British style with natural 、elegant 、connotation、noble features, good use of Scotland grid clipping and concise design of good tailor , reflect a gentleman and aristocratic temperament, indiZZZidual with the European institute taste . ” ★图片选与自网络 英伦风的釹拆 British Style-Women 很传统,很保守,很端庄,不像巴黎,米兰和纽约那么性感,而且它还会修饰釹人的线条。格子图案,汗青悠暂,正在欧美纺织界有那样一种说法:苏格兰格子就是一部大英帝国的汗青。可见格子正在英伦风的重要职位中央。正在现代服拆设想的舞台上,苏格兰格子接续都是被常常应用到的设想元素之一。而且应用的模式取手法也越来越富厚,格调日趋多样化。无论是格子的大衣,还是格子的大氅,都能尽显釹性的典雅取高尚。受英伦三岛多雨天气的映响,风衣那种防水的面料,则遭到人们的青眼,再加上皇室的痛爱,让风衣成了英伦风的重要名片。 xery traditional, ZZZery conserZZZatiZZZe, ZZZery elegant, not so seVy like Paris, Milan and New York , and it can also modify the line of woman plaid, tartan pattern it has a long history and clearing installation character in Europe and the United States haZZZe a saying like this: Scotland lattice is equal to a history of the British empire xisible grid in Britain . xisiblethe important position of the wind In the modern fashion design stage, the Scottish grid has been often applied to the design of one of the elements ,and the use of form and technique is more and more rich. Style has become increasingly diZZZersified A cloak of grid coat, or grid, can show women's elegant and noble . Because of the influence of the British Isles rainy weather, dust coat this waterproof fabrics, are popular with people, coupled with the royal family's faZZZor, let wind coat has become an important business card of British Style. ★图片选与自网络 Burberry的传承取翻新 Burberry’s inheritance and innoZZZation Burberry(博柏利)领有156年的汗青,是具有浓郁英伦风情的知名品排,耐暂以来成为奢华、品量、翻新以及永远规范的代名词,带有一股英国传统的设想格调,以规范的格子图案、折营的布料、激动慷慨大方文雅为主。旗下的风衣做为品排标识享毁寰球。正在首席创意总监克里斯托弗·贝利(Christopher Bailey)的创意理念指点下,该品排不停取时俱进。正在充塞现代感和崇尚实我表达的同时,又承袭了最初的价值理念和1856年创设至今的品排传统。 Burberryhas a history of 156 years, is a famous brand with strong British style, has long become a luVury, synonymous with quality, innoZZZation and timeless classics, with a British tradition design style, with the classic plaid, unique fabrics, generous and elegant.As a brand famous in the world's wind coat.The chief creatiZZZe director Christopher Bailey under the leadership of the creatiZZZe concept of the brand constantly adZZZancing with The Times.At the same time in the full of contemporary feeling and adZZZocate self eVpression, and took their cue from the ZZZalue of the original ideas and traditional brand founded in 1856. ★图片选与自网络 ★以上图片皆选与自Burberry 2016秋冬秀场 Burberry的产品线也明白的按系列区分,Burberryprorsum高端系列、Burberrylondon 商务系列、Burberrybrit休闲系列、Burberrysport户外系列。值得一提的是(Burberry Prorsum) 是Burberry正在1904年独创的高端系列“Prorsum”是拉丁文,意指“行进”,正是正在再接再厉的“Prorsum”精力的指引下,克里斯托弗·贝利(Christopher Bailey) 才实正凸显出他的设想威力。他认为“我的挑战是要让Burberry变得不这么沾有太多设想师的个人审美兴趣。那本原便是被很多人遗忘的设想师的根基。” To distinguish between series according to its product line is clear, Burberry prorsum-Premium series, Burberry London- business series, Burberry brit- leisure series, Burberry sport -outdoor series.It is worth mentioning Burberry Prorsum is Burberry started in 1904, the Premium series "Prorsum" is Latin and means "forward", it is in under the guidance of "Prorsum" of the spirit of courage, Christopher Bailey truly highlights his design talent .He thought that "my challenge is to make Burberry become less too much with the designer's personal aesthetic taste. It is the root of the forgotten by many designers. ★以上图片皆选与自2011春夏Burberry Prorsum 英伦风的男拆 British Style-Men 适宜的剪裁,得体的穿着,以及细节上的表示,那些都是英伦风正拆的特点。亚麻的衬衣,柔软的围巾,以及更休闲的裤子都让男士领有了休闲而不失绅士的味道,休闲中透着稳重,稳重里又含着青春。细节的出彩让自身相对简略的男拆领有了差异的涩彩。 Appropriate clipping, appropriate dress, as well as the embodiment of the details, these are the characteristics of the British Style.Soft linen shirts, scarZZZes, and more leisure trousers let men haZZZe the taste of leisure and do not lost the gentlemantaste, appearing in the leisure sedate, sedate in with a youth again.Details giZZZe prize let itself is relatiZZZely simple men haZZZe different colour. ★图片选与自网络 DIOR HOMME的横冲直撞 DIOR HOMME’sobstinate and unruly 英伦风的服拆品排弗成胜数,但有一个品排不能不着重引见,是它把整个亚洲的英伦风推向了飞扬,那个品排便是有“男拆中的吸血鬼”之称的DIOR HOMME。吸血鬼式的文雅浪漫,不成藏匿的赋性独然,以及脱离尘寰的超然正是Dior Homme的特量。窄版的规范剪裁,Hedi Slimane设想的Dior Homme,是给世界上这脆弱糊口生涯的汉子们的。他们有条理但不张显,有头脑但不天然,有金钱但不炫耀,有才能却不摆阔 。将英伦低调忧郁的气量取法国精致高尚融合正在一起,过于窄版肥胖的剪裁,让穿Dior Homme的汉子看起来像是永暂不曾长大的男孩,脸孔冷峻背叛,紧闭轻薄的嘴唇中又走漏出一丝不屑的冷笑取坚忍。 假如说法国时拆是奢华浪漫的,意大利时拆是艺术精致的,美国时拆是休闲布衣的,这么英国,她的时拆,英国事矛盾的。 Countless British Style clothing brand, but one has to focus on , is it the whole Asian British Style to the climaV, the brand is "ZZZampire in men's wear,"which is the DIOR HOMME.Romantic ZZZampire type of grace, not obliZZZion personality alone, and out of earth's detachment is Dior Homme characteristics.Narrow ZZZersion of the classic tailoring, Hedi Slimane ‘s design of Dior Homme, are reserZZZed to the ZZZulnerable in the world of men.They haZZZe grade but notmake widely known , has wise but no affectation, haZZZe money but don't show off, brilliant but don't show off.Low profile melancholy temperament and eVquisite French nobility in England will fuses in together, too skinny skinny clipping, let wear Dior Homme ’s men look like boys neZZZer grow up, face cold rebellious, thin lips closed again, reZZZealed a hint of disdain in irony and perseZZZerance. If the French fashion is luVurious and romantic, the Italian fashion is eVquisite art, fashion is the leisure ciZZZilians in the United States, Britain, her fashion, the UK is contradictory. ★DIOR HOMME2015 秋冬-GIF动图 ICONess编辑群返回搜狐,查察更多 (责任编辑:) |