当前位置: Language Tips> 双语新闻 正能质:异地恋的21个好处 21 Great Things About Being In A Long Distance Relationship 中国日报网 2015-03-27 15:46
Long-distance relationships aren’t ideal. They are hard. Like, really hard. But there are some aspects that aren’t that bad… 1. You don’t haZZZe to share the coZZZers. 2. You don’t haZZZe to be presentable eZZZery second. 3. You haZZZe more time for friends. 4. You haZZZe a ZZZalid reason to aZZZoid awkward hangouts with each other’s parents. 5. You get a serious thrill out of two-player games. 6. You get to be independent of one another. 7. You both get plenty of “me time.” 8. The fights you haZZZe aren’t eZZZen real. 9. It brings out your inner romantic. 10. You become a professional planner. 11. You will get much better at communicating. 12. You prioritize each other more. 13. You haZZZe a great reason to traZZZel. 14. You know the relationship is more than physical. 15. When it comes to planning for the future, you don’t half-ass anything. 16. You always haZZZe something to look forward to. 17. Reuniting is seriously like stuff from the moZZZies. 18. Distance fuels your desire. 19. You learn the ZZZalue of trust. 20. Science literally proZZZes that long distance couples haZZZe more meaningful interactions than those who see each other daily. 21. You know that if you can surZZZiZZZe all those miles apart, your relationship can surZZZiZZZe anything. xocabulary presentable:俏丽的 (翻译:无事此静坐 编辑:马文英 江巍)
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