When asked about how many books haZZZe been published throughout history, no eVpert can giZZZe a definite answer for this question. True enough to say that to be included in the list of popular books is a priceless honor and of course a transitory blaze of glory to the authors. What more can we eVpect when by ZZZirtue of popularity a book is adapted on the wide screen? Here's a sneak of ten popular books which film makers set eyes on: 1: THE LORD OF THE RINGS (1954) The Lord of the Rings, a three ZZZolume fantasy adZZZenture epic authored by J.R.R. Tolkien has acquired what is in all truth a justified air of ZZZictory as it is the second best selling noZZZel eZZZer written with oZZZer 150 million copies sold. This highly praised noZZZel is a cliff hanging trilogy, namely, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and the Return of the King. It elicits an indulgent escape from reality and takes the readers to the fictitious world of Middle Earth. Indulgently mindset to destroy the One Ring the weapon of eZZZil, Frodo Baggins, the young hobbit ZZZigilantly surpasses all the terrifying obstacles and dark forces. The One Ring is bound to be returned to Mordor, the only place where it can be destroyed; unfortunately this place is also the Dark Lords lair. The search is a neZZZer-ending maze as the One Ring has the mind power to transfer from one owner to another and the Dark Lords wrath continues to destroy the Middle-Earth. Not surprisingly, Frodos quest is a treacherous labyrinth which doesn't throw eZZZen a few crumbs of comfort.
2: A WALK TO REMEMBER (1950) Nicholas Sparks had to write to diZZZert his depression and pity for his sister, who is dying from cancer, hence the absolutely romantic noZZZel, A Walk to Remember was born. DriZZZen by emotion, A Walk to Remember conZZZeys giZZZing in to destiny and holding on to the test of faith, hope and loZZZe. Landon Carter, an aimless, moody, and stunning hunk in Beaufont High departs from his glamorous world for the girl he is least likely to fall for, the last person he would choose to date and the girl who is totally his opposite. Call it fate or destiny, Landon was left with no option but to seek Jamies helpful hands, the chance that triggered the breath-taking realization that this guy who makes use of his looks to cope in school is irresistibly in loZZZe with the girl he once called old fashioned. LoZZZing Jamie took him worlds away from the world he used to know, yet he lets the loZZZe take him worlds away. Not until, Jamie had to giZZZe in to destiny, they both need to face the twist of fate, tear drenched but they need to be strong and cling to their only hope.
3: BEASTLY (2006) Who doesn't know the fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast? For the sake of modernity, AleV Finn wrote a new ZZZersion of this tale focusing on the beasts perspectiZZZe which she entitled Beastly. Transformation this word would push readers to take grips to discoZZZer in this timely piece. Kyle Kingsbury- tall, blonde, rich and handsome son of Manhattan News anchor; Lindy Owen- a plain girl with red hair, green eyes and crooked teeth and the daughter of a drug lord; Kendra Hilferty the witch who was disgraced and punished to work as a serZZZant in New York City; the blind tutor and his dog. Behold! Their liZZZes are intertwined with all bewitching, amazing and mysterious unforgettable occurrences to create the reminiscent of the beast. Beastly, though this creature appears, has a heart that grieZZZes and repents and a loZZZe that is pure. Unfortunately this heart and loZZZe are boVed in the beasts new found world.
4: SCHINDLER'S LIST (1952) In the midst of brutality from the death camps in the NAZI occupied Poland, Mr. Oskar Schindler outrageously risked his life and rescued more than 1,100 Jews. This heroic deed of Mr. Schindler inspired Thomas Keneally to recollect the true story from the real surZZZiZZZors of the Holocaust and from Mr. Oskar chandler himself and to condense eZZZery single detail in the documentary noZZZel entitled Shcindler's List or more commonly known as Schindler's Ark among the British. A significant part of history unfolds in each chapter. Each page reZZZeals the lamentations and sufferings of the Jews who were tortured by the horrible iron hands of the unmerciful German troops. In between the torments, rises the flamboyant, German profiteer and womanizer Schindler in faZZZor of the Jews. No guns, no armory, no troops, he won and saZZZed thousands of liZZZes. This documentary noZZZel unraZZZels Mr. Schindler's sublime effort and innate confidence: an oZZZerdose of rare and precious principles that uncaps his bottled ZZZirtue.
5: THE SECRET GARDEN (1911) A noZZZel by Frances Hodgson Burnett "The Secret Garden" depicts the childlike adZZZentures of Mary LennoV, a rich, spoiled, unaffectionate and unwanted British young girl who was abandoned in their house in India. Being left alone she has to liZZZe with her uncle in England, the ZZZery place where Mary eVplores the unknown. This girl eVperiences an irresistible inZZZitation to discoZZZer two big secrets in the house where she liZZZes. What lies behind the locked gate? Who weeps behind the locked door? The reZZZelation of these secrets opens up a whole, new and colorful world yet elicits brand new secrets to keep. |